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The Odd wants the Odd

We are The Odd Magazine. Since 2012, when the Odditor officially resigned to her immoderate craziness and the sense of being ‘outside’, she and now her partner have been speaking for the marginalized, the misfits, the ones who are being bullied, kicked where it hurts the most, most surprisingly for being who they are. It celebrates the 'odd', the acausal, the imperfect. It raises the cause of the non-linearness in life. Inspired by the wild 60's, the Beats and more, post modern themes will abound in it. Alternate creativity based on surrealism, fantasy, absurd, anything that doesn't start with 'once upon a time' and end with 'happily ever after' because life doesn't go that way. The Odds stand in solidarity with all that is unacceptable, unapologetic, startling, daring and tongue in cheek. We tell you always, always to #StayOdd!

Easy Peasy:


We’re not particularly guideline-y to begin with, it doesn’t sit well with what we do. But nothing is perfect and things can be difficult with a 2 person, self-funded team. Please note that we do not pay writers as we are broke and maybe appear at your doors selling vacuum cleaners pretty soon.


We like: Scathing (i.e.: Bukowski, Knut Hamsun etc.), Lucid and Intuitive  (i.e.: Rimbaud, Cassady, Nico, Lou Reed, Leonard Cohen, Harold Pinter etc.), Heart Break Hotels (i.e.: Kerouac, Fante), Unapologetic (i.e. Burroughs, Corso, Ginsberg, Lorca), Positive (e.g.: Marley, Lennon, Gloria Steinem, Frida Kahlo), Outlaws (i.e. Johnny Cash, Yayoi Kusama, Kamala Das, D.H. Lawrence, Joyce), Experimental (i.e. Burroughs, Lewis Carrol, Kathy Acker, Jean Genet, Richard Brautigan), Daring (i.e. Anais Nin, Henry Miller, Kathy Acker, Sadat Hasan Manto, Lorca), Brevity (e.e.cummins, Basho, Hemmingway) and so on




  • All submissions to be sent to

  • Call for submissions will be announced from the Odditor’s personal and The Odd Magazine’s Facebook Page. Please like to stay updated. You may submit at any time but reading time begins after the call

  • Published writers/artists and others are to wait for atleast two issues before submitting again

  • The Odditor works alone and there is often an avalanche of submissions. Reply timings may stretch to 3 months or more. Be patient!

  • All queries to be addressed to the email address only. No personal messages on the phone number provided will be entertained – this officially eats into the Odditor’s Candy Crush time and drives her madder, if that is even a possibility.

  • No AI generated work.




Odd Shorts: Go beserk with micro/flash starting from 1 word stories to 500 words – Word Doc/docx files only

Odd Poetry: Shorter is better, up to 10 lines

Odd Art: Visual Poetry, Mainstream Art/Painting/Photography, Art Installations, Mixed Media, Collaborations, Collages, everything and anything I have missed out – Standard Hi Res JPEGs only

Odd Videos: Short Films (up to 5 mins) – Youtube and Vimeo links only


Odd Reviews

  • Odd Reviews are by request only. You are to send a brief synopsis and storyline of your book (body of email) along with the first chapter  in attachment (doc/PDF) of no more than 500 words to and expect reply within 3.5 months

  • No two acceptances can collide, so there will/can be harsh rejections. If accepted, you will be asked to send a hardcopy (no ebooks/PDFs) of your book to the postal address provided by email (all costs borne by you)

  • The wait that follows for the book to be reviewed and published is tricky. For one, the Odditor is not a trained reviewer (don’t go there) and a restless reader, so wait. If you don’t hear within 7 months, give me a nudge. You will be notified of the date and issue (oddity #) of publication)

  • Please note that reading period for Reviews may/may not coincide with the main issue. Please follow the Calls for Submission on our FB Page carefully before submitting. Submissions during closed periods will not be considered. 

  • Apart from fundamental errors such as, spelling or grammar, no requests to change views/opinions for the published piece will be entertained. You will also not have any opportunity to see ‘rough cuts’, request ‘taking down’ of the review for any concern whatsoever. Please consider all cons of sending us your book.


Odd Reviews live up to the Odd tradition of being unbiased and tongue-in-cheek, whether in praise or in slander. They are shockingly short and brutally honest. Do not send us your book if you are weak of the heart. That said, views are always, always subjective and never to be taken to heart. The Odd Magazine supports the small press. #StayOdd!


  • Odd Books: This is the newest and exciting addition to the Odd stable – print minis featuring art-text collaborations across the world. Just 1 year old and we have received overwhelming love and support! Submissions are by invite only. Print is costly and this is the only project where we ask your help to take this forward – voluntary donations of any amount are open throughout the year. Stay updated with our releases on the ‘Odd Books’ page.


It’s time to dream, Stay Fearless and do #StayOdd!

Yours Oddly,

Sreemanti Sengupta

The Odd Magazine and Odd Books

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